
Handi Open with world participation for the first time!


The fifth meeting of the league - Paramoravia Cup Banská Bystrica, or Handi Open, enjoyed sunny weather, relaxed atmosphere and this year for the first time also non-European participation.

The only foreign meeting under the head of ŠK Sportlife BB brought to Slovakia a number of Czech athletes who competed primarily with their Slovak sports friends. For the first time, athletes from India also came to Slovakia to compete, and Pooja and Kasana dominated the javelin and discus competitions, just like a week ago in Zlín. Kasana defended her position as the best sitting female athlete of the meet.

Overall, there were a number of impressive performances, several personal bests were broken and the public club throw competition was not to be missed.

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Mgr. Vojtěch Kocůrek

league director

kocurek@paramoraviacup.cz+420 605 940 891
Pavel Zbožínek

Chairman of the Executive Committee

zbozinek@paramoraviacup.cz+420 602 720 518
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